"New York Times' Paul Krugman is DELUSIONAL!"
The Jimmy Dore Show (September 14, 2020)
Jimmy Dore: "Integrity is in just as short a supply on the left as it is on the right. I can tell you that, for a fact. You think you're a better person because you're on the left and you vote Democrat. You are sadly mistaken. Barack Obama, the most insidious, sinister mother fucker I have ever seen. Way worse than George Bush. That sinister mother fucker convinced you he was doing something. At least when George Bush was president we knew he wasn't. We knew he was working against us."
"Barack Obama. You can't protest under Barack Obama because it's Barack Obama, remember. We can't do that because it's Brack Obama. And then after Barack Obama's not president anymore, you cam't protest under Trmp because Barack Obama will come out of retirement to end that protest. He didn't come out of retirement to help workers. Barack Obama came out of retirement to end civil rights protests by professional basketball. He ended civil rights protests. He didn't come out to help people. He came out to help stop people from helping people.That's who Barack Obama is. The most sinister mother fucker that you've ever seen. And you're a dupe if you think he's anything but your enemy. What a chump. A pot-head comedian in his fucking garage can see through it and you can't? Why? 'Cause you've got a million dollars? Is it because you've got a million dollars?"
"Hey, here's a great one." [shows screen shot of Paul Krugman quote]
Why Hillary Wins, by Paul Krugman (October 21, 2020)
[1:48] Jimmy Dore: "He's such a great predictor. That was a guy looking for a spot in an administration."
Paul Krugman- Overall, Americans took 9/11 pretty calmly. Notably, there wasn't a mass outbreak of anti-Muslim sentiment and violence, which could all too easily have happened. And while GW Bush was a terrible president, to his credit he tried to calm prejudice, not feed it 2/
Jimmy Dore: "So this is why we're bringing him up. He tweeted this out today. Isn't it weird in America we never have a memorial for March 20th. You know what March 20th is? March 20th is the day we decided to kill a bunch of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq for oil or money. In an elegal war. An aggressive war for natural resources. And we killed a bunch of Iraqis to do it. That would be March 20th. We're never going to have a memorial for that.
We have a memorial every 9/11 so we can all get together and hate on other bad people. We get together every 9/11 so we can project all of our murderous rage that we actually have inside of ourselves as we're murdering people in eight different countries right now. Occupying Afghanistan for 20 years. Murdering people there. Committing a genocide in Yemen. Turning Libya into a failed state with open slave markets. Dropping so many bombs on Syria that they ran out of bombs. So we take all that murderous rage that's actually in us as Americans and we project it onto the terrorists. We do that every 9/11. And that would be OK if we also had a memorial on March 20th. That's the day we started murdering [people] in Iraq for no reason. And we were all for it and we never [apologized] or never atoned for it. Ever. In fact, we're still out there blowing shit up all over the place. Because we're still looking for the bad guys. The bad guys is us. We're the bad guys."
[3:57] "I don't care whatever Sam Harris says. We're the bad guys. Sam Harris is a bloodthirsty maniac who talks softly. He's an apologist for murderers. That's what Sam Harris is. We're the terrorists. We are. We're the torturers. We don't even give health care to our own people."
Jimmy Dore: [reads again from the Paul Krugman tweet above and adds:]
[5:00] "Says the rich white guy. Says the rich, non-Iraqi white guy." [shows more tweet responses]
Benigma -This Is The Sea - Except for the war he launched on a country that had nothing to do with 911. Except for that. To his credit he did kill a million people or so and bomb a few countries to rubble. To his credit.
Not a Golfer - And, to his credit, he tortured many people & tried to normalize torture. Don't forget that part.
Jimmy Dore: "And by the way, hate crime incidents against Muslims spiked after 9/11. [shows illustrative graph] That's what happened. That's where they were before, that's right after 9/11. You propagandist."
Shalija Patei - Patriot Act, Department of Homeland Security, ICE, Guantanamo, bombing Afghanistan for the next 19 years and counting, special registration program, over 30,000 Muslims deported, families and communities ripped apart.... but yeah, mo mass outbreak of anti-Muslim sentiment.
Aisha Ahmad - My brother would be detained at American airports for hours at a time He was 13. My mother would sob and beg him not to anger those interrogating him. She feared he would be taken to Guantanamo Bay. Fuck you, Paul. You lying sack of shit.
[6:26] Jimmy Dore: "And Paul Krugman is a lying sack of shit. And why does he lie? He lies for the establishment. That's who Paul Krugman is."
Paul Krugman - Daily behavior wasn't drastically affected. True, for a while people were afraid to fly: my wife and I took a lovely trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands a couple of months late, because air fares and hotel rooms were so cheap. But life returned to normal fairly fast 3/
[6:52] Jimmy Dore: "Jesus Christ. You've really got to see the economic upside to all this. The Virgin Islands are lovelty that time of year."
Zara Rahim - My mosque burned down
[7:18] Jimmy Dore: "Sorry about your mosque. Want to see my vacation pictures?"
Katherine Krueger - good day for a reminder that no one associated with the Bush administration or the war effort they started should be allowed to speak in public ever again
Mike Cohen - should they be able to run for president as a Democrat?
Jimmy Dore: "Because that's what's happening. Sadly we know tht the anwer to this question is yes. They should be allowed to run for president as a Democrat. They can run for president as a Democrat. They can be crowned the resistance heroes by MSNBC. And why shouldn't they be rehabilitated since we rehabilitaed George W. Bush, too. Now shut up and look at this shitty painting."
"I could do this all day. I hate doing this. I'm getting tired of doing this. I have a pain in my chest right now. This does not bring me joy. It's the same shit. It gets worse actually. And the people who are supposed to do something about it get worse. It's ridiculous. I saw a guy on twitter today say he was proud to vote Democrat. Now I don't know what kind of mental illness that is, but holy shit is that one.